Monday, January 29, 2007

Men and Mascara by Julie Roberts

Men and Mascara

Sunday dress hangin' on the bedroom door
Empty bottle of wine on the hardwood floor
Last night he said she was the one
Oh, but men and mascara always run

Did I give my love too soon or wait too long
Did I take it a little too easy
Or put it on too strong
She was lookin' for love he was lookin' for fun
Yeah, men and mascara always run

She ain't getting any younger
It wasn't supposed to be this way
Starin' in a mirror with little black rivers runnin' down her face

Tomorrow's gonna be a brand new day
She'll wake up in the mornin' and wash it all away
Last night he said she was the one
Oh, but men and mascara always run

Yeah, men and mascara always run

Poetry and Poetic Language

Poetry is a form of literature; an arrangment and selection of certain words used to create a particular meaning and/or effect. While there is not a definite structure for poetry, the forms in which it takes are usually in a ryhming scheme or pattern.
Poetic Language, on the other hand, is the use of words to evoke feelings and convey a meaning through a wide range of words. Poetic Language can be used in poems but is definitely not restricted to just that; it can also be used in letters, novels, speeches and essays.