Monday, January 29, 2007

Men and Mascara by Julie Roberts

Men and Mascara

Sunday dress hangin' on the bedroom door
Empty bottle of wine on the hardwood floor
Last night he said she was the one
Oh, but men and mascara always run

Did I give my love too soon or wait too long
Did I take it a little too easy
Or put it on too strong
She was lookin' for love he was lookin' for fun
Yeah, men and mascara always run

She ain't getting any younger
It wasn't supposed to be this way
Starin' in a mirror with little black rivers runnin' down her face

Tomorrow's gonna be a brand new day
She'll wake up in the mornin' and wash it all away
Last night he said she was the one
Oh, but men and mascara always run

Yeah, men and mascara always run


*Sally* said...

This poem is so wonderful and is something which women today can relate to. It's so cool how the author compares men to the running mascara and how they run. How they are unable to stay committed to just one person and how they always end up breaking a woman's heart. Its pretty sad that some guys will lie as a way to get their way and how their selfish intentions they are blinded by their hubris and are unable to take into accound the feelings of others. They are unable to see beyond their need for sex. Also this poem connects with what society expects of women and how they are unable to express themselves freely when it comes to sex. Is she crying because she gave it up to him too quickly or is she just crying because she loved him and he left her? I really liked this peom!!!! Luv ya Mayra!

MO said...
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MO said...

The concept of the poem is understandable after reading it a couple of times. You did explain it to me after I read it through and it clicked in my head quickly. Obviously, you can tell that this poem is written by a woman, and that she has negative and untrustworthy views towards men who want to cheat on their women, furthermore making them break down into tears. I also feel that from her perspective she's attemping to let young woman know that men are just for fun and games, and woman are serious about love at such a young age; I wouldn't say that's necessarily true, but the idea may be internalized in a lot of woman. I would love to hear a response poem to this from a man's perspective.

~eVeLyN~ said...

My is this poem DEEP. Like Sally, i would have to agree with this poem being relateable, BUT i think its a cute comparison. Its a good thing both subjects are disposable; when you run out of mascara you buy a new one also when you are not satisfied with that mascara you replace it. Similar to boys/men, when you lose interest you move to the next dude and when you are not satisfied with him you REPLACE HIM. :) ! I think i should end my response before i get into trouble. NICE POEM!

Zaquis said...

WHATS UP MY SISTER!!!!! Man this poem is totally relatable. The comparison between mascara and men was used very effectively. It is like neither can make it through the rain or the hardtimes, mascara can literally not make it through the rain because it will 'run' and turn messy, and men are so afraid to commit they are also unable to 'make it through the rain'. I love your choice of poem so much get back at me later.
